Investor Insight

Of the challenges

facing an investor when considering any investment or acquisition, time and adequate discovery are among the most important.  While expectations may be high and representations may be encouraging, it is what is behind the scenes remaining unexposed that usually determines the level of success of an investment.  The challenge for many small to mid-size companies is addressing multiple needs of the business with what are usually very constrained resources, while satisfying the demands of the interested parties.   When resources are constrained, trade-offs are made . . . sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously.  It is essential in those trade-offs that the fundamentals of the business are constantly addressed and exposures acknowledged so the business stands in a state of readiness to capitalize on new opportunities, like being ready to grow or ready to sell.  Silver Park Group (SPG) helps an investor gain understanding of the levels to which the fundamentals have been addressed.

Because of compressed time in due diligence, investors typically focus primarily on a technology or market offerings, sales capabilities and go-to-market strategies, and financial performance.  Where experience is limited or time is constrained, Silver Park Group, with Experience Applied, serves those needing to assess the current and future potential for performance of a company.    Investors and potential partners benefit from experienced eyes looking at the key leverage points that go beyond a primary product or technology and pure financial performance.  SPG assesses well-being and diagnoses fundamentals needing attention.  Enabling companies to discover exposures and ready themselves for opportunities, or providing investors with a deeper look at the details that can make or break an investment is the focus of SPG’s Investor Insight.

Silver Park Group tailors its assessment for investors to focus on key leverage points, including:

  • Business Strategy and Drivers
  • Processes and Efficiencies
  • Costs
  • Organization and Infrastructure
  • Risk Mitigation

In addition to those fundamentals that support and sustain the business opportunities and financial performance, SPG augments the discovery pertaining to those fundamentals by assessing:

  • Strength of Resources
  • Ability to Innovate
  • Ability to Execute

While operational capability and execution competence are important qualitative elements for consideration during investment diligence, and often overlooked qualitative factor that can have significant future impact on value is the ability to innovate.  The SPG Innovation Readiness Assessment instrument can be effectively applied to pre-investment diligence to reveal hidden value or latent intellectual property that could be developed and monetized, thereby driving additional value to a possible investment.

Silver Park Group succeeds when our clients succeed.  Having created, grown and managed businesses under a variety of management systems is what sets Silver Park Group apart in its ability to assess readiness for opportunity.  It’s all about Experience Applied.


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Philadelphia – Boston – Salt Lake City