Organization Optimization

Optimize for Growth!

Any business is under constant watchful or, in some cases, scrutinizing eyes.  Management, directors, investors, and even employees are watching and assessing the efficiency, effectiveness and future viability of the business.  Decisions are made based on those assessments.  The challenge for many small to mid-size companies is addressing multiple needs of the business with what are usually very constrained resources, while satisfying the demands of the interested parties.   When resources are constrained, it is essential that the fundamentals of the business are constantly addressed and exposures acknowledged so the business stands in a state of readiness to capitalize on new opportunities, like being ready to grow or ready to sell.We like to call it: Organization Optimization!

Where internal assessments and intuition aren’t enough, or resource constraints and parochial interests inhibit objectivity, Silver Park Group, with Experience Applied, fills the gap and assists those working to improve the performance of a company.  Management and directors benefit from a third party set of eyes that are free from the influence of historical actions, emotions and encumbering relationships.  They benefit from experienced eyes looking at the key leverage points that go beyond a primary product or technology and pure financial performance. SPG assesses well-being and diagnoses fundamentals needing attention.  Beyond assessment, SPG engages to help execution that will validate vision and strategy, and create and deliver to milestones.  Enabling companies to discover and eliminate exposures to driving the ultimate objectives of profitable growth and increased valuation, is the focus of SPG’s Organization Optimization.

For management, SPG tailors its assessment and engagement to focus on leverage points, including:

  • Business Strategy and Drivers
  • Technology and Market Offerings
  • Sales Capabilities and Go-To-Market Strategies
  • Processes and Efficiencies
  • EBITDA Performance
  • Risk Mitigation
  • Measurements and Milestones

Beyond these typical business functions, SPG assists clients to optimize the more intangible aspects of a business, those areas that proximity tends to cloud.  SPG augments the fundamentals by assessing:

  • Organization and Infrastructure
  • People
  • Ability to Innovate
  • Ability to sustain
  • Collaborative Innovation

Silver Park Group succeeds when our clients succeed. Having created, grown and managed businesses under a variety of management systems is what sets Silver Park Group apart in its ability to assess and drive readiness for opportunity.           It’s all about…Experience Applied.


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Philadelphia – Boston – Salt Lake City